*The formatting is terrible on mobile I'm so sorryThis is an ugly but hopefully informative carrd on 188
Notes: The summaries are in both cn and eng, cn summaries are from the official release on iqiyi if the novel is on iqiyi, if not I stole it from zhenhunxiaoshuo because most 188 novels have been taken down from jjwxc. Eng summaries are translated by me.
The character profiles arts are all official, fandom nicknames are just what I see when going around bilibili, don't take my word for it too much.
Personal notes are very personal, try not to let them effect your reading experience.
I've had people ask before, I Will Not put novelupdates/translation links on here. The tl links in Misc are just personal translations of people in the 188 server. This carrd was originally made for 2 friends of mine and I have no idea how it got so popular. It was pretty much made for my friend group and it still is.If you have inquiries/suggestions feel free to contact me, as for how to contact me, let's leave it up to fate.

Novel: 娘娘腔
(Tl: Sissy)
Novel: 娘娘腔
(Tl: Sissy)
Novel: 娘娘腔
(Tl: Sissy)
Name: 邵群 (Shao Qun)

"He had never been in a romantic relationship. Affection, love, how was he supposed to understand such things?"
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: April 11
Age: 27
Zodiac: AriesOccupation: Chairman of a Venture Capital CompanyPersonality: Seems to be an elegant young master, on the inside he is violent, a philanderer, conceited, and does not take others into consideration
Fandom Nicknames:
- 团长 (Tuan Zhang, "Club President", meaning he's the most scum of 188 ;D ) (Acknowledged Fanon)
- 大鹅 (Da E, literal translation is "big goose". People say it's because he acts like an angry duck) (Fanmade)
Name: 李程秀 (Li Chengxiu)

"He tried to figure out this seemingly hopeless romance, yet in the end realized that only he had regarded it as romance."
Height: 177 cm
Date of Birth: June 29
Age: 29
Zodiac: CancerOccupation: Chef, AccountantPersonality: Self deprecative, kind, attentive, seems soft and weak but is very emotionally strong
Fandom Nicknames:
- 秀秀 (Xiuxiu)
-Schoolyard bullying
-House Arrest
-Sexual Harassment from unnamed person as a minor
-Unconsensual baby creating
Personal Notes: Shao Qun, despite being the most scum, is the mascot of the 188 series... He's the type of character that the fans will beat up while secretly loving lolol... After all. his is the president, and the first gong of 188. Of course he has a lot of popularity.
He's trying really hard to be a good husband, and he's always always been a great older brother.
Novel: 一醉经年
(Tl: Years of Intoxication)
Novel: 一醉经年
(Tl: Years of Intoxication)
Novel: 一醉经年
(Tl: Years of Intoxication)
Name: 宋居寒 (Song Juhan)

"Song Juhan was a child who never matured on the inside, having the childish innocence that brings about the most cruelty."
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: December 5
Age: 26
Zodiac: SagittariusOccupation: Singer, Top producerPersonality: A philanderer, fickle, tyrannical, impulsive
Fandom Nicknames:
- 副团长 (Fu Tuan Zhang, "Vice Club President", meaning he's the 2nd most scum of 188 ;D ) (Acknowledged Fanon)
- 宋天王 (Song Tianwang, "Tianwang" means "emperor", and is also used for popular and talented singers that changed the music industry) (Canon)
-宋核桃 (Song Hetao, "Hetao" means "walnuts", this is a reference to a scene in the novel) (Fanmade)
Name: 何故 (He Gu)

"You can break away whenever, yet I can't stop until I'm drunk."
Height: 183 cm
Date of Birth: January 8
Age: 28
Zodiac: CapricornOccupation: High level structural engineer, Real Estate Company AssociatePersonality: Rigid, serious, stubborn, not good at socializing
Fandom Nicknames:
-咕咕 (Gugu, a play on his name and is the sound of birds) (Fanmade)
-Fwb (sort of) at the beginning
-House Arrest
-There's marijuana involved
Moral of story: Do Not fall in love with celebrities.
I love this because of the unrequited love that makes He Gu put himself through suffering. I like angst. One of my favourite 188 novels, why? Angst. (It's not actually that angsty I just love seeing He Gu torture himself in the beginning)
Novel: 谁把谁当真
(Tl: Who Takes Who Seriously)
Novel: 谁把谁当真
(Tl: Who Takes Who Seriously)
Novel: 谁把谁当真
(Tl: Who Takes Who Seriously)
Name: 赵锦辛 (Zhao Jinxin)

"He was equipped with all the finest aspects a perfect lover could have."
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: December 20
Age: 23
Zodiac: SagittariusOccupation: Chinese Branch Executive CEO of Foreign Trade GroupPersonality: A philanderer, coquettish/acts spoiled, ruthless, fickle
Fandom Nicknames:
- Leon (English name)
- 表妹 (Biaomei, younger female cousin, this is just because.. he's very feminine) (Fanmade)
- 甜辛 (Tianxin, a play on "Jinxin", essentially "sweetie") (Fanmade)
- 羊 (Yang, "sheep". THIS IS NOT A NICKNAME, but you can find tons of fanart and memes depicting him as a sheep, or with a sheep. This is because the sheep is very prominent in Zhao Jinxin's story) (Canon?)
- 北美炮王 (Beimei Paowang, essentially "Sex King of North America". Basically, straight up calling him a whore) (Canon)
- 人间行走马赛克 (Renjian Xingzhou Masaike, "the world's walking mosaic", mosaic is used for censorship, so these refers to how horny he is all the time, I think he was called this in canon once?) (Canon?)
- 43 (...Yup)
Name: 黎朔 (Li Shuo)

"The more beautiful it once was, the more disdainful it could be after changing."
Height: 183 cm
Date of Birth: September 27
Age: 34
Zodiac: LibraOccupation: Auditor, Accounting Firm AssociatePersonality: Honorable, mature, gentleman, gentle, considerate, lenient, has good principles
Fandom Nicknames:
- Lambert (English name)
- 黎叔叔 (Li Shushu, this is what Zhao Jinxin usually calls him) (Canon)
- 黎大哥 (Li Da-ge, this is what Wen Xiaohui and Li Chengxiu often call him) (Canon)
-One-sided fake relationship at first
-11 year age gap
Personal Notes: My son!!! (Zhao Jinxin) How can I resist him, he's adorable. The sheep aesthetics!!! The pink!!! There's literally nothing to like about him, yet I love him so much. Am defenseless against his sajiao... and his crying in the audio drama...
Also one of my favourite novels in this series!! I've reread it so many times ah.
...This is the only ship where the ship name isn't their names. It's 妹叔 (meishu), which means sister/uncle. ALSO THE ONLY SHIP THAT GOT MARRIED ON SCREEN.
Also I'm so sorry for putting so much for Jinxin's nicknames, I spend too much time browsing his fan content
Novel: 附加遗产
(Tl: Additional Inheritance)
Novel: 附加遗产
(Tl: Additional Inheritance)
Novel: 附加遗产
(Tl: Additional Inheritance)
Name: 洛羿 (Luo Yi)

"My life can't go on without you, but your life shouldn't include me anymore. Take care."
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: November 20
Age: 20
Zodiac: ScorpioOccupation: Student, Founder of an investment companyPersonality: Unfeeling, dangerous, great at acting, lacking in emotion
Fandom Nicknames:
- 大佬 (Da Lao, slang for someone who is very rich, influential, and overpowered in all aspects, and sort of... Boss gangster???) (Fanmade)
- 亿万富翁 (Yi Wan Fuweng, a term for "billionaire". A literal translation would be "A person whose net worth exceeds a trillion". That's an exaggeration though, it's just used to refers to really rich people.) (Canon only in Audio Drama)
- 奥斯卡影帝 (Aosika Yingdi. Aosika is just the Chinese word for "Oscar", as in the actors award. Yingdi translates to "the Emperor of Actors", something commonly used to refer to extremely good actors) (Fanmade)
Name: 温小辉 (Wen Xiaohui)

"He had played a game of chess with someone, and in the end, realized he wasn't even the opponent."
Height: 176 cm
Date of Birth: June 15
Age: 24
Zodiac: GeminiOccupation: Designer, Make-up MasterPersonality: Trendy, loves beauty, vicious tongue, warm and confident
Fandom Nicknames:
- 小灰鸽 (Xiao Hui Ge, a pun of "Xiaohui-ge", means "little grey pigeon") (Fanmade)
-Adopted uncle/nephew
-Mentions of suicide (minor characters)
-House Arrest
-One-sided fake relationship at first
-ML starts off 15. No sexual until 18
Personal Notes: Luo Yi is my favourite 188 character, ever. The plot is absolutely amazing. Luo Yi's not scum. I swear. Just a psychopath.While other gongs would all regret the bad things they did that made the shou hate them, I believe Luo Yi does not. He would do it again, because love is not his top priority, his goal is. And I love that. Also just... by the end of the novel, all the fake flawless acting he can do to hide his psychopathic self away, just to make Xiaohui happy... Luo Yi is just so well written.
Also Wen Xiaohui badass pretty boy
Novel: 你却爱着一个傻逼
(Tl: Yet You're In Love With An Idiot)
Novel: 你却爱着一个傻逼
(Tl: Yet You're In Love With An Idiot)
Novel: 你却爱着一个傻逼
(Tl: Yet You're In Love With An Idiot)
Name: 李玉 (Li Yu)

"He had never really been obsessed with anything. Usually if there was something he wanted, he could get it with a flick of his hand, meaning if something wasn't his, he didn't want it."
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: January 23
Age: 21
Zodiac: AquariusOccupation: Student, Founder of a Private Equity FundPersonality: Arrogant and cold, stubborn, a model student that never steps out of line. Underneath the surface is a decisive brutality that not even he was aware of.
Fandom Nicknames:
- 玉玉(Yuyu, Jian Suiying called him this once in a letter) (Canon)
- 绝望主妇/豪门怨妇 (Juewang Zhufu/Haomen Yuanfu. Both of these refer to sad rich wives who do nothing but sadly await for their (often cheating) husbands to come home. Li Yu acts like one.) (Fanmade)
Name: 简隋英 (Jian Suiying)

"How could anyone in the world not like him? That simply defied all logic."
Height: 184 cm
Date of Birth: August 12
Age: 28
Zodiac: LeoOccupation: Chairman of a Real Estate CompanyPersonality: Headstrong, haughty, vicious tongue, stubborn yet soft-hearted, unyielding
Fandom Nicknames:
- 简大 (Jian Da, because he's the eldest son)
- 简哥 (Jian-ge, this is what Li Yu usually calls him) (Canon)
-Rape (from gong)
-Sexual harassment (from shou)
-Sexual harassment from shou starts when gong is a high schooler PLEASE be warned
-Non-consensual Incest
-He has a sugar baby
-Stop sending each other to the hospital pls
This novel gives me complicated feelings. Great character dynamics, but... the book itself... It's a contest to see who can be more of a terrible person. (Tries to noncon each other)If you insult Li Yu don't be shy meet me in my DMs we can talk :DThis ship is the most popular 188 ship, Jian Suiying is also the most popular 188 shou, and this is the only novel where in canon, the gong/shou positions have reversed.
Novel: 小白杨
(Tl: Little White Poplar)
Novel: 小白杨
(Tl: Little White Poplar)
Novel: 小白杨
(Tl: Little White Poplar)
*Tl Note: There is a Chinese Military song by this name, which sings of a little white popular tree guarding 北疆 (Dzungaria). This is also the setting of the story, with themes that match the lyrics, and the poplar tree is mentioned a few times.
Name: 俞风城 (Yu Fengcheng)

"This was once his, and there was no way he could stand to lose it."
Height: 189 cm (later 188 cm)
Date of Birth: February 28
Age: 21*
Zodiac: PiscesOccupation: Special ForcesPersonality: Internally twisted, headstrong, responsible, fearless
Fandom Nicknames:
- 小鱼 (Xiao-yu, "little fish". This is a pun of his name, and is his code name in the Special Forces) (Canon)
- 俞猪 (Yu Zhu, Zhu means "pig". This is because Bai Xinyu once named a pig after Yu Fengcheng) (Fanmade)
Name: 白新羽 (Bai Xinyu)

"Does growing up really mean becoming stronger, or just that you become frightful of everything?"
Height: 182 cm
Date of Birth: March 26
Age: 23*
Zodiac: AriesOccupation: Former Special Forces, Bodyguard Company AssociatePersonality: Sanguine, cute and energetic, coquettish/acts spoiled, has righteous ardour, responsible
Fandom Nicknames:
- 小白 (Xiao-Bai)
- 公主 (Gongzhu, "princess". This was a nickname given to him by a senior, which later became his codename in the Special Forces) (Canon)
-Incest is referenced, no real incest
-Military setting
-Psychological torture as training
-Deaths of minor/unnamed characters. Because war
-霍乔 needs a warning. Love him tho
*IMPORTANT the official profiles says ages 21 and 23. They are not 2 years apart. They are 4. This is due to the fact that the official profile of Bai Xinyu refers to him at the start of military training, while Yu Fengcheng's refers to him AFTER Bai Xinyu's military training.Personal Notes: Forget romance. Forget the 渣男 plot this is supposed to have as part of 188. This is the sexiest, sexiest, story I have ever read. The military setting. The training. The side characters (陈靖 be my mom I love you). THE SHOU'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Mwah. Love this story. This is the best book I've ever read.
At least it would be, if it wasn't for the later half of the book. Now I'm disappointed. Bai Xinyu could've been my favourite shou of 188, but he ruined it. Bitch, I was rooting for you. You're overreacting, really. (Extremely personal opinons here)
...Actually I can't blame it all on him. Blame it on the author for making me remember this is a 渣男 novel, and not a sexy military novel.Also it seems the older fandom used to use pink for Bai Xinyu, but now I mostly see green,,,
Novel: 针锋对决
(Tl: Summit Dueling)
Novel: 针锋对决
(Tl: Summit Dueling)
Novel: 针锋对决
(Tl: Summit Dueling)
Name: 原炀 (Yuan Yang)

"This game between them of who could make the other submit was far from over."
Height: 189 cm (later 188 cm)
Date of Birth: July 26
Age: 22
Zodiac: LeoOccupation: President of a Comprehensive Investment Company, AssociatePersonality: Tyrannical and headstrong, self-centered and impulsive, persistent, loyal dog
Fandom Nicknames:
-小狼狗 (Xiao Langgou, "little wolfdog". Gu Qingpei often compares Yuan Yang to one, due to his dog like behavior. "Langgou" in internet slang also refers to a young man with a large aura, perhaps violent, but can give you a sense of security) (Canon)
Name: 顾青裴 (Gu Qingpei)

"When people from two different worlds forcibly try to come together, the only result is that both get hurt."
Height: 182 cm
Date of Birth: November 4
Age: 32
Zodiac: ScorpioOccupation: President of an Investment CompanyPersonality: Smart, internally twisted, silver tongued, career oriented
Fandom Nicknames:
- 顾天仙 (Gu Tianxian, "tianxian" means "deity/celestial being". He was at some point compared to one I don't remember T_T srry) (Canon)
- 狐狸 (Huli, "fox". This isn't much of a nickname, just something fans will depict him as, due to his sly nature)
-Unconsesual drug use
-Unconsensual porn filming
-House Arrest
-11 year age gap
Personal Notes: For years, Yuan Yang was known as the least scum. There's a saying "原炀靠爹进188" meaning Yuan Yang only entered 188 because of his father. While all the other shous eventually broke up with the gong because they either found out about something bad the gong did before, or could not forgive an action done by the gong, Gu Qingpei never got mad at Yuan Yang. If the "thing he did" was outed just between the 2 of them, forgiveness would've come quick. Rather, it really is all Yuan Yang's father's fault that they broke up.
While reading this, I strongly thought "oh god I know something is going to happen to set off the 追妻, but noooo I like you guys being happy together ಥ_ಥ" Even though I don't ship it much. Probably just because this was my last 188 and I was getting so goddamn tired of 追妻Yuan Yang is good really I feel bad for him.
Novel: 职业替身
(Tl: Professional Substitute)
Novel: 职业替身
(Tl: Professional Substitute)
Novel: 职业替身
(Tl: Professional Substitute)
Name: 晏明修 (Yan Mingxiu)

"He had never been in a relationship, and directed his childish infatuation towards the wrong person."
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: September 6
Age: 24
Zodiac: VirgoOccupation: Actor, President of a Mechanized Heavy Industry CompanyPersonality: Haughty, selfish, lacking in patience, stubborn and persistent towards things he has decided upon.
Fandom Nicknames:
-晏美人 (Yan Meiren, "meiren" means "beautiful person". This is because he is officially recognized to be the best looking in 188) (Acknowledged?)
-晏瞎子 (Yan Xiazi, "xiazi" refers to a person who is blind. This is a joke. He's not blind. You'll get it) (Fanmade)
Name: 周翔 (Zhou Xiang)

"He thought death could rewrite his destiny, but he was incredibly wrong."
Height: 181 cm
Date of Birth: October 20
Age: 29
Zodiac: LibraOccupation: Actor, Martial Arts Body Double, Martial Arts InstructorPersonality: Gentle and generous, optimistic and open-hearted, mature and considerate
Fandom Nicknames:
- 翔哥 (Xiang-ge, this is what Yan Mingxiu usually calls him) (Canon)
-Major character death, because reincarnation
-House Arrest
-Sugar daddy/baby dynamics in modern timeline but daddy is younger
-Implied depression/suicidal thoughts if you squint really hard (gong)
Personal Notes: Yan Mingxiu is my son, and I will personally fight everyone that shits on him. He's definitely done terrible things, he's fucking stupid from beginning to end, and I have nothing to say in favour of him.
Yet, in my opinion and also many others, he's suffered the most retribution for what he's done. I can look at him and say "That's enough, Yan Mingxiu has suffered enough". I am neither ignoring what he's done to Zhou Xiang or the irreparable damage done to Zhou Xiang, I'm simply saying on Yan Mingxiu's side, he's suffered enough. I hope he gets to live a happy life with Zhou Xiang from now on.Also @ fandom STOP MAKING SO MANY BLIND JOKES I HATE YALL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MANY PEOPLE THOUGHT HE WAS BLIND BEFORE READING THE NOVEL, PLS DONT OVER-MEME
Novel: 灰大叔与混血王子/老婆孩子热坑头
(Tl: Grey Uncle And The Half-Blood Prince/Wife And Children Heating Kang Stove)
Novel: 灰大叔与混血王子/老婆孩子热坑头
(Tl: Grey Uncle And The Half-Blood Prince/Wife And Children Heating Kang Stove)
Novel: 灰大叔与混血王子/老婆孩子热坑头
(Tl: Grey Uncle And The Half-Blood Prince/Wife And Children Heating Kang Stove)
*Tl Note: A Kang is what was used in Ancient China as a platform for anything from playing to sleeping, as it is a stove that can keep warm. The phrase "Wife And Children Heating Kang Stove" is referring to a happy and warm family
Name: 周谨行 (Zhou Jinxing)

"Having your heart gripped by someone else, that feeling was not only pain, but also fear."
Height: 190 cm (later 188 cm)
Date of Birth: March 12
Age: 26
Zodiac: PiscesOccupation: Successor of Hongyun CapitalPersonality: Internally twisted, sinister, steadfast, brutal, goal oriented, wolf in sheep's clothing
Fandom Nicknames:
-橘猫 (Ju Mao, "orange cat". This is mostly a meme that went viral, in which someone redrew a very internet popular sad orange cat known as "猫日" as Zhou Jinxing) (Fandom)
Name: 丁小伟 (Ding Xiaowei)

"Just pretend that it was all a dream. Once awoken, you still had to live, and the condiments in the shelf still had to be restocked."
Height: 181 cm
Date of Birth: May 6
Age: 33
Zodiac: TaurusOccupation: Taxi driver, Boss of a Logistics CompanyPersonality: Unbending straight male, opportunist, honest, warm-hearted and kind, easily becomes soft-hearted
Fandom Nicknames:
- 丁哥 (Ding-ge, this is what Zhou Jinxing calls him) (Canon)
-Him and his daughter get kidnapped by someone or something
-One-sided fake relationship at first
Personal Notes: I really... don't have much to say about this one. Uhhh Zhou Jinxin is described to have black hair in the novel idk why he's ginger now.
Just look at Zhou Jinxing. Look at him. That is the face of a cheating man, a person who will show up out of nowhere with a mistress, a man who will have 3 wives with all of them thinking they're the only one.
Why is Ding Xiaowei so tanned. You drive cars all day. That's it.
I actually really wanted this couple to get back together faster. Not because I like either of them or ship it, but the daughter deserves her male mommaWhy do I not remember Ding Xiaowei having anything to do with a Logistics Company ever
Novel: 火焰戎装
(Tl: Blazing Armour)
Sumarry missing for now, because there's no actual summary for this novel anywhere and I sure won't be the one to write one.
Novel: 火焰戎装
(Tl: Blazing Armour)
Name: 宫应弦 (Gong Yingxian)

""I won't let a single arsonist go." Gong Yingxian hesitated, his voice becoming deeper, "No matter how long it takes.""
Height: 188 cm
Date of Birth: August 26
Age: 24
Zodiac: VirgoOccupation: Criminal Investigation Police, Chemistry ProfessorPersonality: Tsundere, vicious tongue, mysophobic
Fandom Nicknames:
- 小十 (Xiao Shi, "little ten", as he is the 10th gong in the 188 series) (Acknowledged)
- 大小姐 (Da Xiao Jie, Young Mistress, a nickname that was said by Ren Yi for being too dainty) (Canon)
Name: 任燚 (Ren Yi)

"I am a firefighter, I'm prepared at anytime to sacrifice myself for others."
Height: 184 cm
Date of Birth: April 26
Age: 30
Zodiac: TaurusOccupation: Captain of a Special Services Firefighting SquadronPersonality: Heroic, honorable, sanguine, handsome in a bad boy way
Fandom Nicknames:
- 四火 (Si Huo, "Four Fires" because the "Yi" character in his name has 4 fires in it. His coworkers sometimes call him this.) (Canon)
-Heavy mentions and depictions of PTSD from fire (gong)
(from the shou this time. No one in canon or in fandom seems to consider it as such but it made me very ://)
-Cults/cult mentality/pyrophilia/arsonists all that fun stuff
-Gong is homophobic
-Deaths of minor/unnamed characters
-Policeman x Fireman
Personal Notes: Gong Yingxian is recognized by both the fandom AND the author as not zha at all. Or at least, the least zha. He just has trouble communicating!!! He's a good boy I swear. He has a snake. Baby boy....And because he's not zha, this novel is the longest of all, with over 200 chapters and it took 100 entire chapters for them to fuck. Song Juhan fucked in ch1. Smh.
This novel actually has plot, and not just 渣男 romance.
This is where the formatting starts to get really bad if you're on mobile, sorry
*This only contains the 20 characters. Do refer to that chart for a complete version. This contains both canon and fanmade
They aren't friends they just know each other, Beijing rich kids circle
Referred by fandom as 闺蜜组 (Girl Friend Squad)
娱乐圈姐妹花 (Entertainment circle flower sisters)
They are acquaintances in canon but the name is 100% fanmade
贵妇团 (Rich Wives Squad)
Work Acquaintances
Zhou Jinxing
Non-virgin, has sex with others during breakup periods/before getting together
Virgin, has sex with others during breakup period
THIS WAS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES. I personally cannot stand fans who adamantly only read virginxvirgin.It's debatable, Song Juhan. Did he sleep around a lot while with He Gu? Yes. But He Gu knew about it, and in that time they were also more of "Friends with Benefits" rather than a couple. Up for you to decide....Zhou Jinxing... does not have sex with anyone else while he's with Ding Xiaowei. You can't call him a non-cheater though...Li Shuo tried to have sex with another person during breakup period, he just never went through with it
In Which I Try To Come Up With A Reading Order
The "groups" are novels in which the characters show up in each other's novels
Group A
In order of release:
娘娘腔 (2010)
附加遗产 (2015)
谁把谁当真 (2016)
In chronological order:
For Group A, I reccomend reading it in order of release. Otherwise you may be very confused, as the plots are quite heavily intertwined. Post-canon characters from 灰大叔与混血王子 (2011) appear in 谁把谁当真
Group B
In order of release + chronological:
你却爱着一个傻逼 (2011)
小白杨 (2014)
For Group B, although the characters are referenced a lot in each other's novels like Group A, you don't neccessarily need to read them in order. Post-canon characters from 娘娘腔 appear in 你却爱着一个傻逼
Group C
In order of release:
职业替身 (2012)
针锋对决 (2012)
一醉经年 (2015)
In chronological order:
The characters and plots in Group C are less connected than in Group A, so reading order isn't important. Essentially 职业替身 and 针锋对决 have nothing to do with each other, but they both appear as side characters in 一醉经年.
In 火焰戎装 (2019), post-canon characters from 一醉经年 make appearances, and 职业替身 characters are briefly mentioned
This Is Mostly Just For The People In The 188 Server haha
This is just to gather all these links in one place so it's easier for us to find~
Lizonka's TL for 一醉经年 (Years of Intoxication):
https://lizonkanovels.com/translation/yoi/Pucari's TL for 娘娘腔 (Sissy):
Nom's translations of the preschool 188 series :https://twitter.com/phoebenom02/status/1429375106296422405
Towel's 188 relationship chart:
The 188 gong fansong with Eng Sub:
https://youtu.be/lY2p4Ko7ECUAnother 188 gong fansong with Eng Sub:
Tier List if you want to play around: